
San Juaquin Valley Living - Dad Stationed at Travis AFB

This home was near the county fair grounds and I have many early memories. Sodaquist Road. I remember going to the fair with my father for my 4th birthday - wow- what a special time this was! I had my Dad all to myself riding the merry-go-round, etc. Dad did a tour of duty in Japan while we lived here, leaving my mother with five little ones. She finally learned to drive after David was born. See little David on the left. Roland and a favorite kitty, Linda and Laurel. We ran around in jeans and bare feet most of the time.
Dad brought Mother several kimono aprons from Japan and she often wore these - especially on Sundays. He brought Roland and Laurel amazing thin tire English racing bikes - not available in America. In the front row: David, Roland, Linda, Rachael, and Laurel.
I love this photo: see the clothes hanging on the line? David and I were only 15 months apart, yet I was so proud to be his big sister. That meant I got to be in charge of him sometimes! Look how tan we are! My freckles started soon there after.

Temple Sealing Day, 1950, Mesa, Arizona.
Grandpa Asa was a temple sealer. Tiffany's helped build this temple. David is the little one here.

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